About Client

Utah-based Core4x4, is a company that sells off-road vehicle parts and accessories. Before the redesign, Core 4×4’s website was outdated and difficult to navigate. The user interface was cluttered, and the website lacked a clear information hierarchy. The website was not mobile-friendly, which made it difficult for users to access the site on their mobile devices. The website’s design also did not reflect the modern and innovative brand image that Core 4×4 wanted to project.

Core4X4 Jeep on rocks

Color Palette


Our Goal

Fluid22’s redesign of Core 4×4’s eCommerce website addressed the major issues of product organization and poor user experience

. The new website had a clean, modern design and a clear hierarchy of information, which made it easy for users to find what they were looking for. The website was also optimized for mobile devices, which improved the user experience for customers who accessed the site on their phones or tablets. The redesign also had a positive impact on Core 4×4’s business. The new website led to an increase in website traffic and a decrease in bounce rate, indicating that users were more engaged with the website. The website’s improved user experience also led to an increase in sales, as customers found it easier to browse and purchase the products they were looking for. In addition to the design changes, Fluid22 also implemented a new content management system (CMS) for Core 4×4’s website. The new CMS made it easier for Core 4×4 to update their website and add new products and content, which helped them to keep their website up-to-date and relevant.

Don't just take our word for it, take theirs

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