Keeping it authentic, every step of the way

Website Design

We create websites that blend style and substance for online success

. Our services are the perfect blend of creativity and tech, delivering standout digital experiences.

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Some of our finest work

What to expect along the way

We've fine-tuned our process over the years to lighten the load for our clients and make website design for your business an enjoyable experience



When you reach out to Fluid22 for a website rebuild, the journey begins with a conversation

. Right from the first contact, we’re all ears, ready to consult and figure out the perfect website solution tailored to your unique needs and budget. It’s not just about building a website; it’s about building your success story together.

Research & Discovery

Building a conversion-ready website means digging deep with some serious research

. We dive into your target audience and rivals to make sure your site captures their attention. It’s this thorough groundwork that paves the way for a smooth user experience and a triumphant web design journey.

Content Development & Wireframing

Compelling copy is the secret sauce for a winning, conversion-driven website

. Our wordsmiths will team up with you to make sure your visitors get what your business is all about. We’ll craft a genuine experience with punchy and engaging content that tells your business story. This content gets woven into the site’s blueprint, which then gets handed off to your designer and developer.

Design & Development

We’ll keep that sweet spot between style and substance, as every web designer should

. Our crew’s got the lowdown on the latest UI/UX trends and we’re all about nailing those best practices to give you a leg up. In this phase, we’ll be tight-knit with you and your team, making sure we make the right moves for your brand.

Quality Testing & Launch

After we’ve wrapped up any needed tweaks, we’ll put your web site to the ultimate test

, making sure it shines on all platforms and devices. We’ll also hook up all the necessary 3rd party connections and integrations. Then, we’ll team up to figure out the ideal hosting solution for your new site. And hey, whether you want us to handle the hosting and maintenance is entirely up to you – no pressure.

Friends we have made along the way

We build strong client relationships based on trust and honesty. You can always count on us to have your back.

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Fluid22 Snapshot

Authenticity is our trademark

Fluid22 isn’t your typical web design agency. We’re all about keeping it real and upfront

. We wear transparency like a badge of honor, and honesty is our jam. No smoke and mirrors, just straight talk and genuine partnerships. With us, what you see is what you get – a crew that’s as real as it gets in the agency world.

No passing the buck

We don’t play the outsourcing game. Everything we do, we do right under our own roof in Holladay Utah

. Every project, every detail, it’s all crafted right here by our in-house experts. When you work with us, you’re getting the real deal, all day, every day.

Single contact, strong partnership

Your project director isn’t just any project manager – they’re your dedicated salesperson too. This unique approach ensures a consistent, seamless experience from start to finish. Your go-to contact isn’t changing hats, which means you get crystal-clear communication, every step of the way. It’s the power of a personal touch, making your journey with us as smooth as it gets.

Is it time to revamp your online presence?

Websites aren't statues; they should grow and flex with your company's progress

, shifting customer demands, and industry trends.

Outdated Appearance, Fresh Start

Your website is stuck in a time warp, looking like it’s from another era

. An outdated website can send the wrong message to potential customers. It’s time to rebrand and get a new website design that reflects the modern, dynamic essence of your business.

Lost in the Crowd, Stand Out

If your current website doesn’t differentiate you from the competition, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of similar businesses

. A fresh rebrand and revamped website can help you stand out, making a powerful statement that sets you apart and draws customers in.

Evolving Goals, Adaptive Design

As your business grows and evolves, so should your online presence. If your current website isn’t aligning with your changing goals and customer needs, it’s time to rebrand and get a website design that’s adaptable and ready to evolve with your business. Stay powerful, casual, and dynamic in the digital landscape.

Mobile Unfriendly, On-the-Go Engagement

In today’s mobile-first world, if your website isn’t mobile-friendly and responsive, you’re missing out on a massive audience

. Rebranding and redesigning your website ensures that it’s not just visually appealing but also functions seamlessly on smartphones and tablets, capturing on-the-go users.

Brand Mismatch, Cohesive Identity

When your website doesn’t align with your brand’s identity, it creates confusion

. A rebrand and fresh website design provide the opportunity to create a cohesive and powerful brand image, reinforcing your message and making a lasting impact on your audience.

Don't just take our word for it, take theirs

“Our sales have gone up year-over-year since we let you guys take over everything. We couldn’t be happier!“

core4x4 Spence Website design
Spence SchrammOwner, Core 4X4
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Website Design FAQ's

We provide comprehensive web design services and graphic design solutions for businesses

, and that’s just the beginning. When we describe ourselves as a full-service marketing agency, we mean it wholeheartedly! Beyond launching your website, we offer continuous support for digital marketing, ongoing SEO efforts, and reliable hosting assistance.

What is the importance of having a well-designed website for my business?

Having a killer website design is super important for businesses

. It’s like your online storefront and often the first thing folks see when they check you out. Good design can totally make or break the user experience, build up your street cred, and even boost your sales. When your website looks pro, it helps show off your brand in the best way and can even help you climb the ranks on search engines, making it easier for new customers to find you and keeping the old ones coming back for more. A pro website design gives off this vibe of trust and expertise, making people more likely to dive into what you’ve got to offer. Plus, it makes sure your site is a breeze to use, so folks can easily find what they’re after. In today’s digital age, where everything’s online, having a top-notch website isn’t just a good idea—it’s a must if you want your business to thrive and grow.

How long does it typically take to develop a website from scratch?

A basic website with a few pages might take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months to develop. More complex sites with custom designs, unique features, e-commerce capabilities, and extensive content can take several months to over a year

. Factors influencing the timeline include the project’s complexity, the quality of the content provided, the level of customization required, the proficiency of the developers, and the feedback and revision cycle with the client. It’s also important to consider the time for planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. A clear understanding of the requirements, a detailed plan, and regular communication between the developer and the client can help streamline the process and set realistic expectations for the project timeline.

What should I consider when choosing a content management system (CMS) for my website?

When choosing a Content Management System (CMS) for your website, it’s important to consider ease of use

, ensuring it has an intuitive interface that allows you and your team to navigate and update content without extensive technical knowledge. Customization is crucial; the CMS should offer a variety of themes and plugins to suit your design and functionality needs. Security features are essential, as the CMS must regularly update to protect against vulnerabilities and provide robust user access controls and data protection. Consider scalability; the CMS should accommodate your growing business, handling increased traffic and content without compromising performance. Built-in SEO tools or compatible plugins are vital for optimizing your content for search engines, improving site visibility. A strong support network and community, including good documentation and active forums, can provide invaluable assistance.

Evaluate the total cost, considering not just initial setup but also themes, plugins, and ongoing maintenance. Ensure the CMS is compatible with other systems and software you use, like CRM tools or marketing platforms, and that it doesn’t negatively impact your site’s loading times. Mobile responsiveness is increasingly important, so the CMS should offer mobile-friendly themes and optimize content for various devices. For teams, the CMS should allow setting different roles and permissions and possibly offer content workflow management. Lastly, consider how the CMS handles updates and maintenance, as regular updates are essential for security, introducing new features, and ensuring compatibility. Selecting the right CMS involves balancing these factors to find a solution that meets your immediate needs and supports long-term growth.

Can I update and maintain my website on my own after it's built?

Yes, you can update and maintain your website independently after it’s built, particularly if it’s created using user-friendly content management systems (CMS) like WordPress or Wix

. These platforms provide straightforward interfaces for regular content updates, layout adjustments, and basic site maintenance. However, more complex tasks, such as customizing functionalities, optimizing for SEO, or enhancing security, may require a deeper understanding of web development and ongoing learning. While many resources are available to assist you, partnering with a professional for periodic check-ups or complex updates can help ensure your website remains efficient, secure, and aligned with the latest web standards.

How can I ensure that my website is responsive and mobile-friendly?

To ensure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly, adopt a mobile-first approach

, utilizing responsive design principles like fluid grids, flexible images, and CSS media queries to adapt your layout to various screen sizes. Prioritize clear, accessible content and navigation, optimize for fast loading times, and regularly test on different devices and browsers to ensure usability. Embrace tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test for guidance and consider professional assistance if needed. Staying current with web standards and user expectations is key to providing a seamless experience across all devices.

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