We're the real deal, always.


We’re more than just eCommerce experts; we’re your dedicated partners on the road to digital success

. We bring excitement into the process of building your online store, guaranteeing it’s functional and captivating.

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Some of our finest work

What to expect along the way

We turn complex into a cakewalk We've got the expertise to simplify the process, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.


When you engage with us for an eCommerce transformation, the journey kicks off with a candid conversation

. Right from the get-go, we’re here to listen, consult, and tailor the perfect eCommerce solution to match your unique needs and budget.

Research & Discovery

To build an eCommerce powerhouse, we delve deep into the digital landscape. Comprehensive research helps us understand your target audience and competitors

, ensuring your online store doesn’t just exist but captures attention. This groundwork sets the stage for a seamless user experience and a triumphant journey through eCommerce design and development.

Content Development & Wireframing

We team up with you to ensure your visitors not only get your business but feel it too. We weave a genuine experience with content that’s punchy and engaging, crafting your brand’s story in every word. Now, this isn’t just about words on a page. It’s the beating heart of your eCommerce venture. We seamlessly blend it into the site’s wireframe that’s then passed on to your design and development crew.

Design & Development

Compelling functionality isn’t an afterthought; it’s the backbone of conversion. We curate authentic experiences with functionality that packs a punch and narrates your brand’s story. Our team stays ahead of the curve on eCommerce trends and best practices, giving your brand a competitive edge. During this phase, we work closely with you and your team to ensure the perfect moves are made for your brand.

Quality Testing & Launch

After fine-tuning every detail, we quality test your new site, ensuring it performs on all platforms and devices. We expertly integrate third-party eCommerce connections and integrations. Together, we chart the path to the optimal eCommerce hosting solution for your new online store. And whether you choose us to handle your eCommerce hosting and maintenance is entirely your call – no pressure, just options.

Friends we have made along the way

We build strong client relationships based on trust and honesty. You can always count on us to have your back.

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Fluid22 Snapshot

No Faking It – We're the Real Thing

We don’t pretend to be something we’re not. When you choose us, you’re choosing a team that’s genuinely committed to your success, no imitation needed.

Dedicated Team

Your dedicated designer, developer, and copywriter work hand in hand with your project director, crafting eCommerce sites that stand out from the rest. It’s a dynamic collaboration that ensures your online store is nothing short of extraordinary.

Your Voice Matters

We’re all about collaboration and our process thrives on your input and feedback. You’re not just a client; you’re a valued partner. Together, we shape eCommerce builds that truly reflect your vision and goals.

Is Your eCommerce Design Still Relevant?

If your eCommerce venture feels stagnant, it's time to shake things up

. A refreshed approach can rekindle the fire in your business and set you up for success.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead is non-negotiable. Our rebranding and website solutions ensure your business not only keeps up but leads the charge, leaving competitors in the dust.

Boost User Engagement and Conversions

It’s not just about clicks; it’s about conversions. Our e-commerce website design and development strategies are tailored to transform casual browsers into enthusiastic buyers, boosting your bottom line.

Modernize Your Brand Identity

Keep your brand fresh and contemporary with Fluid22’s rebranding services. We’ll infuse modern aesthetics into your identity, ensuring your business exudes the confidence and relevance it deserves.

Upgrade Technology & Platform

Leverage the latest technological advancements with our e-commerce solutions. Our experts will equip your website with cutting-edge features and tools, ensuring your business thrives in the digital age.

Don't just take our word for it, take theirs

“Our sales have gone up year-over-year since we let you guys take over everything. We couldn’t be happier!“

core4x4 Spence Website design
Spence SchrammOwner, Core 4X4
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eCommerce Development FAQ's

E-commerce development is the process of creating online platforms for businesses to sell products or services over the internet

. It is crucial for businesses looking to expand their market reach and provide a convenient shopping experience for customers.

What is e-commerce development, and why is it important for online businesses?

let’s dive into what e-commerce development is all about – it’s like building your dream online store, where you can sell stuff to people all over the internet. Think of it as setting up shop in a bustling digital mall, open 24/7. It’s like having a store that never closes its doors, so folks can shop whenever they feel like it. And the best part? You’re not limited to just your neighborhood – you can reach customers from around the world. It’s like having a store that’s open to the whole planet.

Plus, e-commerce development makes shopping a breeze for your customers. It’s like having a super-efficient checkout line and all the products neatly organized on the shelves. So, whether you’re a small boutique or a big retailer, e-commerce development is your ticket to the online shopping world. It’s like opening the doors to a global market and giving your customers a shopping experience they’ll love.

What platform should I choose for my e-commerce website development?

Alright, let’s talk e-commerce platforms, the tools you need to set up shop online. Picking the right one is like choosing the perfect outfit for a big event – it depends on your style, size, and what you need. You’ve got some cool options to pick from, like Shopify, WooCommerce (if you’re into WordPress), Magento, and BigCommerce. Think of them like different brands of jeans – each one fits a bit differently and has its own perks and quirks. Now, here’s the pro tip – don’t go it alone. Chat with an e-commerce guru, someone who’s been around the online shopping block. They can help you figure out which platform is your perfect match, based on your business goals and what you’re willing to spend.

So, whether you’re starting a small online boutique or planning to take over the e-commerce world, having the right platform is like having a trusty sidekick. It’s the secret sauce to making sure your online store runs like a well-oiled machine.

How can I ensure the security of my e-commerce website and customer data?

Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of e-commerce security, something you definitely don’t wanna mess around with. It’s like locking your front door at night – you gotta do it to keep the bad guys out. First off, get yourself an SSL certificate. Think of it as your website’s secret decoder ring that scrambles any sensitive info during transactions. That way, even if someone tries to sneak a peek, all they’ll see is gibberish. Next, keep your website and all those handy plugins up to date. It’s like giving your online shop a fresh coat of paint – it looks good and keeps the security bugs away. Passwords? Yeah, they need to be rock solid. Think of them like your online shop’s secret handshake. And don’t forget to change ’em up every now and then. Oh, and schedule regular security check-ups, just like your annual doctor’s appointment. It’s like a health check for your website to catch any sneaky issues.

Lastly, when it comes to handling payments, team up with a trustworthy payment gateway provider and make sure you’re following industry security standards like PCI DSS. It’s like having an extra security guard to protect your customers’ info. So there you have it, friend. Keep your e-commerce site locked up tight, and you’ll keep the baddies at bay.

What features should I prioritize when developing an e-commerce website?

Think of it like building the ultimate online shopping playground. First off, your website needs to be user-friendly. It’s like making sure your store layout is easy to navigate, so customers can find what they want without getting lost. Don’t forget the mobile shoppers – your site should look and work great on phones. It’s like having a mini version of your store that fits in everyone’s pocket. Your product catalog is the heart of the operation. Keep it organized and snazzy, like arranging the products on your shelves just right. Checkout should be a breeze, like having a super-efficient cashier. And you want it to be as secure as a bank vault. Offer loads of payment options, so customers can pay how they like. It’s like accepting cash, cards, and even those fancy mobile payments. A good search function is key – it’s like having a store assistant who can find anything in a snap.
Customer reviews and ratings build trust. It’s like getting advice from friends before you buy. Toss in some marketing tools to spread the word – it’s like hanging up flyers for your grand opening.

And for that extra punch, think about features like inventory management, order tracking, and personalized user accounts. They’re like the cherry on top of your online shopping experience.

How can I optimize my e-commerce website for better search engine visibility and rankings?

Let’s talk about making your e-commerce website the star of the search engine show. Think of it like getting your store on the main street where everyone walks by. First things first, your product descriptions and images should be all spruced up with keywords that folks might type into Google. It’s like making sure your store window display is super eye-catching. Next up, SEO is your new best friend. Optimize those meta titles and descriptions – think of them like catchy signs that make people stop and look. A sitemap is like the map at the mall that shows you where everything is, and making your site load faster is like having a super-quick checkout lane.

Got some awesome content? Put it out there – it’s like setting up a fun demo in your store. And if you’re feeling fancy, toss some money into paid ads and social media. It’s like putting up billboards all over town to get folks to notice your store.
Keep an eye on things and tweak your strategy when needed. It’s like adjusting your store’s layout to keep up with the latest shopping trends. With SEO, it’s all about staying on top of the game in the e-commerce world.

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