About Client

JewBelong is a non-profit organization dedicated to Supporting Joyous Judaism and Confronting Antisemitism. Founded with a mission to foster a positive and inclusive Jewish identity, JewBelong works towards creating a vibrant community that celebrates diversity within the Jewish faith. The organization aims to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and promote understanding, ensuring that Judaism is embraced with joy and pride.

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Our Goal

JewBelong approached Fluid22, intending to revamp its online presence to better align with its mission and engage a broader audience

. The existing website, while functional, lacked the vibrancy and user-friendly features necessary to convey the richness of JewBelong’s initiatives and the diverse nature of Judaism. Fluid22’s collaboration with JewBelong not only enhanced the organization’s online presence but also empowered them to continue fostering joyous Judaism and confronting antisemitism with renewed vigor. The revamped website stands as a testament to the positive impact that a thoughtful and strategic digital presence can have on a non-profit’s mission and outreach efforts.

Don't just take our word for it, take theirs

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