Dressage Adventures Website screen shot

Case Study

Dressage Adventures


Website Design

Website Development

Membership Portal

Program Management System

About Client

Tracy Fall, a distinguished equestrian with a rich history in dressage, is the visionary behind Dressage Adventures. Training under renowned experts globally, her dedication birthed the company in 2010 to spread her deep-rooted knowledge to enthusiasts worldwide. Committed to excellence, Tracy ensures each program reflects the highest quality, offering an authentic journey into the dressage world. Recognizing the need for enhancement, she sought a website overhaul to improve her management’s functionality and enrich her community’s user experience, entrusting Fluid22 Web Design with the task.

Color Palette


Web design typography

Our Goal

The new website features a modern and clean design

highlighting Dressage Adventures’ luxury offerings and showcasing the Portuguese landscape’s beauty. Fluid22 used high-quality imagery and video throughout the site to engage visitors and create an immersive experience. Fluid22 implemented a simplified navigation structure to make the site more user-friendly and created clear calls to action. They also optimized the site for mobile devices, ensuring visitors could easily access it on their smartphones and tablets. In addition to the visual redesign, Fluid22 implemented a content management system (CMS) that allows Dressage Adventures to update the site with new content and imagery. They also integrated the website with third-party tools, such as a booking system and social media platforms, to help Dressage Adventures manage its online presence better.

Dressage Adventures Screen Capture
Dressage Adventures Website Screen Capture

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