About Client

Overland Expo is a popular event series that brings together overlanding enthusiasts, exhibitors, and industry experts from around the world to showcase the latest products and technologies in the overlanding community. The event series takes place in multiple locations throughout the year, and attendees can participate in hands-on workshops, product demos, and networking opportunities. Overland Expo wanted to create a new website that would serve as the central hub for all its event, exhibitor, and attendee information. The website needed to easy to navigate, visually appealing, and provide attendees with all the information they need to plan their trip and make the most out of their experience.

Color Palette


Web design typography

Our Goal

Fluid22 was tasked with revamping their website design and development to better cater to their audience’s needs

. The previous website was outdated and difficult to navigate, which made it challenging for visitors to find the information they needed. Fluid22 started the redesign process by conducting a thorough analysis of Overland Expo’s target audience and their behavior on the website. The information gathered was then used to create a user-centered design that made it easy for visitors to find the information they needed and navigate the site. The new design incorporated modern design elements, such as responsive design, a mobile-first approach, and a clean and intuitive interface. Fluid22 also optimized the website’s speed and performance to ensure that it loaded quickly, even on slow internet connections.

overland expo website screen capture
overland expo website screen capture 2

Don't just take our word for it, take theirs

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